
目前顯示的是 2月 18, 2018的文章

零售店櫥窗陳列架,POP展示道具,POP dispaly-http://www.acrylical.com

亞克力工藝品生產廠家 成立于香港立足於深圳的一家知名亞克力工藝品生產廠家主要生產:亞克力展櫃,亞克力檯曆,亞克力盒子,有機玻璃餐牌,有機玻璃資料架,亞克力展架,亞克力紙鎮,亞克力魚缸,工廠面積3000多平方米,工廠選材上融合了亞克力(壓克力,雅克力,亞加力,PMMA,acrylic),木製品,金屬製品,紙製品, PVC等等的材料生產,在印刷上有裱畫,噴繪,絲印,噴油,移印,水轉印,熱轉印等,生產工藝有噴沙、鐳射切割、CNC切割、水切割、拋光有布輪拋光、火拋光、鑽石拋光,其他還有無縫熱壓、鐳射打標、熱彎成型等傳統工藝,而且在粘接上可以實現零氣泡,歡迎來電電諮詢 tel: 852 31140016 whatsapp: +852 60998900 wechat artfulcosmos sales@acrylical.com http://www.acrylical.com

wholesale of the acrylic book stand-http://www.acrylical.com

We are Manufacturer and designer of  the Acrylic display stand,POP display stand, display stand for retail market,Counter top display stand. We has a decade of experience in providing innovative POP ,acrylic display and POS solutions to the retail industry. Our expertise in our domain has made our clients look up to us with high expectations for path breaking retail branding solutions .   Our product range are :  :Acrylic display stands, Acrylic sign letter ,Acrylic photo Frame,Literature displays, Brochure holders, Acrylic sign holder,Menu stand,Promotion gifts,Cell phone display stands, Acrylic Easel Book Holder Rack,Acrylic display case/Box ,Diecast car display case ,Trophies, Artistic ,POP display stands,Acrylic coaster,Jewelry display stand,dome display, eyewear display stands,LED lighting  Box,Poster display,LED display stands,Watch display stand,Counter top display stand,POP stand,POP display,Floor Standing Unit ,PETG,PVC,Vacuum forming,Win...

we are professional for the counter top display stand

pls feel free to contact us : sales@acrylical.com http://www.acrylical.com

Square acrylic photo frame with magnet 100 x 100 mm-http://www.acrylical.com

Square acrylic photo frame with magnet 100x100mm Thickness :12+12mm Colour: transference Packing: gifts box Logo: laser engraving,screen printing Welcome contact us +852 60998900 WhatsApp:+852 60998900 WeChat artfulcosmos Sales@acrylical.com Http://www.acrylical.com Artful Cosmos是一家專業從事有機玻璃(亞克力、壓克力)工藝設計和製作的資深廠家。自2004年成立以來,擁有了一批經驗豐富的專業技術團隊,不斷引進了先講的生產設備、技術。其生產技術和實力在地區同行中占領先地位。公司具有先進的鐳射切割、鑽石拋光、CNC雕刻、噴油、絲印、移印、熱彎、烤彎、粘接、燒亮、開模等全套生產設備與技術,所有工藝可自行完成。     公司有專業的銷售團隊,產品遠銷歐美、日本、東南亞等市場。以優質、低價、重諾、守信贏得了海內外客戶的一致好評。為了公司可持續發展和客戶的信賴,2014年公司通過了威利幹那驗廠,進一步擴充國際市場。我們誠摯地歡迎國內外客戶光臨洽談合作。                                       高品質是我們的追求 客戶滿意是我們的承諾 sales@acrylical.com wechat artfulcosmos whatsapp+852 60998900 http://www.acrylical.com

HOT SALES Sneaker shoes storage Box-http://www.acrylical.com

Sneaker shoe storage Box Accept small order qty Pls feel to contact us Sales@acrylical.com WeChat artfulcosmos WhatsApp +60998900 Http://www.acrylical.com

Specialist For the Acrylic Display,photo Frame,POP Display,Media Player Display專業生產及設計商店零售展架,貨架,

Specialist For the Acrylic Display,photo Frame,POP Display,Media Player Display專業生產及設計商店零售展架,貨架,Photo frame sales@acrylical.com www.acrylical.com Acrylic photo frame 4x6” Welcome small qty order Sales@acrylical.com WhatsApp +852 60998900 WeChat artfulcosmos http://www.acrylical.com