
目前顯示的是 11月 27, 2011的文章

cell phone display stand-Welcome to Acrylic Design, the leading point of sale display manufacturing specialist.-www.acrylical.com

HTC cell phone display stand This design is come from UAE. cell phone display stand is make from acrylic material. base is 3mm white acrylic with 2C screen printing. The middle layer is cut by laser and screen printing green color on the base.

Mobile /cell phone display stand

Mobile /cell phone display stand Cell phone display stand is very important sales tools in the POP display market. Please preview our website to get more product images http://www.acrylical.com/sdp/60617/4/cp-4379805/0/moblie_phone_display_stand.html

Cell phone display stands-Welcome to Acrylic Design, the leading point of sale display manufacturing specialist.-www.acrylical.com

Cell phone display stand we are professional acrylic cell phone display stand,please preview our website to get more product information: http://www.acrylical.com

"LED" 是 Light Emitting Diode的缩写(LED display stand)

"LED" 是 Light Emitting Diode的缩写, 中文名称为发光二极管。led 发光之原理是半导体内电子受到外加电压引至由高位能阶跳至低位能阶时所激发出可见光谱。LED可以提供高清照明,较霓虹光管要光亮四成,但消耗的能源却较少,约只有霓虹光管的五分之一,同时直接减少了二氧化碳的排放,是一种十分环保之照明技术。led 发光不像灯泡或霓虹光管般会发热,是真正的冷光。LED 只需用低电压 (一般用5伏特直流电 -- 5V DC 或 12伏特直流电--12V DC ),故此比起灯泡及霓虹光管安全得多。现时 led 的寿命由一万至十万小时,以每天使用10小时计,其寿命长达3至27年之久。Light Emitting Diodeled 招牌特点:光亮、省电、安全、冷光、耐用、环保。 何谓 LED 招牌: 凡是用了 LED 作为光源的设备或装置, 用以传递广告讯息, 或吸引注意以达到宣传或推广某一机构的名称, 标志或商标, 均可统称为 LED 招牌。 LED 招牌分两大类: (1) LED 电子屏幕, (2) LED 商号及标志 LED 招牌: LED 电子屏幕 (LED DISPLAY) LED 电子屏幕是 LED 排列成方型LED点阵(多数是平面方型, 亦可以是曲面或弧面的方型) 的装置, 以电子线路控制点阵中任何一点的亮度及颜色, 达到显示文字或图案的电子装置。最初(约1980)的LED 电子屏幕又称电子走字牌( Moving Message Sign ) 是以单色(主要是红色)为主, 其后所谓彩色电子走字牌其实只是显示"红绿黄"三色的, 跟现在的彩色 RGB 全彩完全不同。现在的 彩色 LED 电子屏幕是真正的全彩, 所以不局限显示文字或简单的图案, 亦能好像彩色电视一样显示复杂的图像。 LED 招牌: LED 商号及标志 (LED Signage, LED signboard, LED logo, LED Letters, etc.) 将 led 加到立体字或商标上便成 LED 商号及标志。现在应用LED 光源主要有四种方式: LED 灯珠立体字招牌: LED 镶嵌在立体字或商标上的正面, 让一粒粒的 LED 灯珠凸出在字面上。这方式最能发挥 LED 的优点, 每粒灯珠的光线以最光亮的状况进入观看...

"LED" 是 Light Emitting Diode的缩写(LED display stand)

"LED" 是 Light Emitting Diode的缩写, 中文名称为发光二极管。led 发光之原理是半导体内电子受到外加电压引至由高位能阶跳至低位能阶时所激发出可见光谱。LED可以提供高清照明,较霓虹光管要光亮四成,但消耗的能源却较少,约只有霓虹光管的五分之一,同时直接减少了二氧化碳的排放,是一种十分环保之照明技术。led 发光不像灯泡或霓虹光管般会发热,是真正的冷光。LED 只需用低电压 (一般用5伏特直流电 -- 5V DC 或 12伏特直流电--12V DC ),故此比起灯泡及霓虹光管安全得多。现时 led 的寿命由一万至十万小时,以每天使用10小时计,其寿命长达3至27年之久。Light Emitting Diodeled 招牌特点:光亮、省电、安全、冷光、耐用、环保。 何谓 LED 招牌: 凡是用了 LED 作为光源的设备或装置, 用以传递广告讯息, 或吸引注意以达到宣传或推广某一机构的名称, 标志或商标, 均可统称为 LED 招牌。 LED 招牌分两大类: (1) LED 电子屏幕, (2) LED 商号及标志 LED 招牌: LED 电子屏幕 (LED DISPLAY) LED 电子屏幕是 LED 排列成方型LED点阵(多数是平面方型, 亦可以是曲面或弧面的方型) 的装置, 以电子线路控制点阵中任何一点的亮度及颜色, 达到显示文字或图案的电子装置。最初(约1980)的LED 电子屏幕又称电子走字牌( Moving Message Sign ) 是以单色(主要是红色)为主, 其后所谓彩色电子走字牌其实只是显示"红绿黄"三色的, 跟现在的彩色 RGB 全彩完全不同。现在的 彩色 LED 电子屏幕是真正的全彩, 所以不局限显示文字或简单的图案, 亦能好像彩色电视一样显示复杂的图像。 LED 招牌: LED 商号及标志 (LED Signage, LED signboard, LED logo, LED Letters, etc.) 将 led 加到立体字或商标上便成 LED 商号及标志。现在应用LED 光源主要有四种方式: LED 灯珠立体字招牌: LED 镶嵌在立体字或商标上的正面, 让一粒粒的 LED 灯珠凸出在字面上。这方式最能发挥 LED 的优点, 每粒灯珠的光线以最光亮的状况进入观看...

Acrylic display Stands,POP display,Jewelry & watch display, Welcome to Acrylic Design, the leading point of sale display manufacturing specialist.-www.acrylical.com

Bestop Acrylic Displays was established in 1996 with the commitment of manufacturing indoor and outdoor displays. Our work is simply the art of communication, and our aim is to exhibit your products both in a practical and in an aesthetic way. Display systems we offer, help you carry your message across with a quality that is unique, clear and persuasive. Our commitment to innovating and improving our products helped us to be one of the forerunners in the display industry in the last few years. In this age of communication and information, we try to provide the most useful marketing aids, produced with high quality, a complete infrastructure, long years experience and expertise. Our product range are:Acrylic display stands,POP display stand,acrylic sign letter,Acrylic photo Frame,literature displays,acrylic sign holder,menu stand,promotion gifts,cell phone display stands,POP display stands,promotion gifts, acrylic coasterJewelry display stand,dome display, eyewear display stands,w...